Videos of the transparent demo tank used as Ganimede prototype
Online now the videos of the cylindric demo tank that was used as first model to test the principle of the Metodo Ganimede.
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Online now the videos of the cylindric demo tank that was used as first model to test the principle of the Metodo Ganimede.
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The Cooperative winery "La Fraternelle", in the Hérault area, is the first client who decided to transform its existing tanks in Ganimede technology. The revue "La Vigne" wrote an article on the reasons of the client satisfaction.
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Ganimede s.r.l. will be present at the next international exhibition VINITECH 2012 in Bordeaux (France).
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An EXCLUSIVE Ganimede® product designed for White and Rosé wines capable of enhancing aromas and reducing the use of sulphur dioxide in order to produce healthier wines!
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Metodo Ganimede® is the only fermenter in the world that allows winemakers to exclude grape seeds from the winemaking process!
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Ganimede®, thanks to the Henry's Law, is the only system that allows gases to interact deeply within the liquid mass.
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IYour standard tanks can be turned into innovative fermenters using Metodo Ganimede®!
Innovate and save!
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